QuickBooks Online integration guide
04. Sync transaction data

Push transaction data to your QuickBooks general ledger

1 min read

As virtual card recipients make purchases, you can push the cleared transaction data from Extend to your QuickBooks general ledger. The data will automatically map to the appropriate fields, making reconciliation totally seamless.

Additionally, the virtual card metadata also syncs to your QuickBooks general ledger. This data will not show up on your credit card statement, but having it documented in QuickBooks can provide key supplemental information regarding your transactions.

The data pushed to QuickBooks through the integration includes:

  • Transaction date and amount
  • Expense category code data (Account, Location, Customer/Project, Class, Vendor) will populate the respective fields
  • Virtual card metadata will populate the Memo field, including virtual card name, last 4 digits of virtual card, RCN name, last 4 digits of RCN, transaction reference ID, and any notes entered within Extend
  • Any transaction attachments or receipts you have pushed to QuickBooks.

How it works

📍Using the Extend web app, navigate to the Transactions tab on the Expenses page.

  • Select the transaction(s) you wish to sync to your general ledger using the checkboxes on the left side of the list. Be sure each transaction has a tagged expense category.
  • After you’ve selected the transactions, click “Sync with QuickBooks” at the bottom of the page.

A QuickBooks logo will appear on the right side of each successfully synced transaction.

Note: If a transaction is missing an expense category and you attempt to sync it, an error message will appear and direct you to first add an expense category and try again.